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FolkFansInternational Folk Music Society
Gatherings in 2005
Lorrriane, Mark, Dave, Beth, Mike F., Pete, Mike A.
Folkfans Gathering in Fife
June 24th-26th hosted by Lorraine and Mike in  Dalgaty Bay, Scotland

Dave plays on

Lorraine, Dave, Mike A. and Mike F.

Mike F., Dave, Pete, and Beth

Cliff playin the Blues

Folkfans Gathering in NY
July 8th-10th hosted by Carolyn at her summer home
Carolyn, Dean, Guy, Nick, and Sharon

Guy                                                                                                          Dean

A roosted Goose

July Gathering at Goose Creek on Long Island, NY

Guy and  Sharon beech combing


Child Ballads

Recorded Sources of The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

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